So there's a new clanwar on Sunday 04(JUNE) at 8pm.
Everyone who's interested in playing should show up at that time!
Good luck to TNA and have fun :)
The game will start right away as soon as the server loaded the maps(unlike the League games where you have to wait for the countdown). We will play Conquest mode( not TeamDeathMatch). Beware Friendly Fire(TK) is off.
Side Selection is on; so check these settings to pick the right side immediately.
Map#1 AR = REB/CIS
Map#1 AR = EMP/REP
Map#2 AR = REB/CIS
Map#2 AR = EMP/REP
Alles nochmal auf deutsch:
Nachdem der Server die Map geladen hat geht es sofort los(also kein warten auf den countdown wie in den League games). Es wird mit CPs gespielt und TK is aus.
Hier die Seitenverteilung, damit jeder von Anfang an der richtigen Seite beitritt
Map#1 AR = REB/KUS
Map#1 AR = EMP/REP
Map#2 AR = REB/
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